Friday, November 13, 2009

Chapter 3

Ok, this is the first one, and it's an experiment for me too. Let's see how it goes. Do your best. If the conversation starts to get repetitive, you can bring up something else you'd like to discuss from chapters 1-3.

PROMPT: Responding to this quote on page 47, answer one or both of the following questions.

"Nobody stole, nobody grumbled over his rations, the quarrelling and biting and jealousy which had been normal features of life in the old days had almost disappeared."

1. To what extent is this true of Animal Farm at this point, and to what extent is it not true?
2. What economic system does the above quote sound like, and why?


  1. "nobody stole, nobody grumbled over his rations, the quarrelling and biting and jealousy which had been normal features of life in the old days had almost disappeared."

    1. This is true of Animal Farm at this point because it seems as if everyone's life has changed for the better. But there is a hint of things turning for the worse.
    2.This quote sounds like Communism. Communism is a system of government in which the state plans and controls the economy and a single, often authoritarian party holds power, claiming to make progress toward a higher social order in which all goods are equally shared by the people(animals).

  2. "...the quarrelling and biting and jealousy which had been normal features of life in the old days had almost disappeared."

    1.) This quote about Animal Farm is true at this point because all of the animals on the farm were now working for each other and not themselves (they weren't fighting over who gets food, etc.). This quote is not true (to some extent) at this point because some of the animals are (most likely) planning out in their minds how they could possibly get more food/respect then the other animals, etc. (how they could "cheat the system").

    2.) As Britney said before, I also believe that this quote sounds like a Communist type of government rule. Having everyone be "completely equal" in food, work, etc. while choosing one/two specific people that are "leaders" over everyone else are the workings of Communist governments and ideals.

  3. In respect to the first question, I disagree with Shane. I do not believe the animals are planning on trying to "cheat the system" just yet. They all seem quiet happy now that Mr. Jones is gone.

  4. "Nobody stole, nobody grumbled over his rations, the quarrelling and biting and jealousy which had been normal features of life in the old days had almost disappeared."

    This quote is true for the first part of the chapter. All of the animals worked together to make and collect the food and so they don't take it for granted anymore. No one complains about how it could be better, because they were the ones who did the work in the first place. Towards the last part of the chapter, the pigs became more of a obvious figure-head, who gave themselves more privileges than the other animals. Jealously started to arise when they ended up getting more apples and milk, and soon, those products were especially reserved for just the pigs. They kind of take advantage of the other animal's ignorance to make it seem like this is completely okay for them to do.

    As for the second question, I don't really know a lot about governments so I can't really back this up, but it sounds a lot like communism to me, and Shane's and Britney's arguments sound alright.

  5. 1. well the rules they set down seem to be followed and their lives are getting more peaceful and indepedent. but things could always get worse...

    2.Communism. without a doubt

  6. 1. At first none of the animals think about revolt against the pigs because they don't know any better, and the pigs tell them what they want to hear. Most of the others can't even read and only do what they are told to do.
    2. Communism, due to the lack of being individuals, and there is a few powerful leaders.

  7. 1.It is true that everyone worked together and helped each other. However, the pigs basically took over the farm themselves because they took all the apples and milk. Pigs being very smart saying what the other animals wanted to hear so no one revolt against the pigs.
    2.Communism because pigs are basically ruling the whole farm.

  8. 1. At this point in the book Animal Farm, this seems to be a true animal farm. Most of everyone is working and most of the animals seem happier than before, but there is forshadowing of future events that seem to adverse to the idea of a true animal farm. The pigs are slowly taking over and manipulating with their vast intelligents by the animals by telling them what they want to hear.
    2.The above quote sound like Communism because everyone is getting an equal share of rations and work.

  9. 1. As said before most of the animals are starting to have a positive feeling on everything. The pigs although are starting to take leadership and controling things by manipulation. They are indeed relieved that Mr. Jones is gone.
    2. Communism!

  10. 2. i feel like everyone is working together, as they should and most of the animals seem happier. The pigs are taking a leadership role which might mean something later on in the story. the pigs are saying what all the other animals want to hear so everyone doesnt want to revolt against them. This is a smart move on the pigs part!
    2. This sounds like Communism. Communism is when you have one authoritarian control, and also everyone is equal.

  11. 1. I think that everything as of now is improving on the farm. Most the animals have a positive feeling towards the revolt and most of them seem to think that it was for the better. Its also true that the pigs have more leadership but there's almost no hope in avoiding the fact that they will become corrupt in ruling the farm.
    2. I don't think it sounds like communism yet but soon enough the pigs will establish their power over the other animals and then it will turn into communism.
